madVR, importanti novità versione 0.88.1

madVR, importanti novità versione 0.88.1

Ho deciso di pubblicare questa versione perchè ci sono alcuni miglioramenti davvero importanti come l’aggiunta del supporto nativo del colore a 10 bit in uscita. Attenzione per l’uscita a 10bit dopo aver impostato pure la vostra scheda video e le altre opzioni come da questa guida verificate, perchè su alcuni display la qualità potrebbe peggiorare.  In caso l’immagine peggiori settare tutto a 8 bit colore in uscita.


download madVR v0.88.1



* added Direct3D 11 presentation path

* added support for native 10bit output

* added NEDI image doubling option

* added “image enhancements” settings page for source enhancements

* added “upscaling refinement” settings page for upscaling post processing

* added FineSharp to source enhancement and upscaling refinement

* added LumaSharpen to source enhancement and upscaling refinement

* added SuperRes to upscaling refinement

* added chroma upscaling option “activate SuperRes filter”

* added Shiandow’s deband algorithm

* removed chroma image doubling options

* fixed some 64bit stability issues

* fixed crash when two madVR instances had the same parent (DVBViewer BiB)

* fixed one potential DXVA decoding freeze

* trade quality option “lose BTB and WTW…” is disabled by default now

* added SettingsSetBoolean(“FinalizeOnWMClose”) option

* (un)install.bat now complains if you don’t run them as admin

* (un)install.bat now doesn’t try to install madVR64 on a 32bit OS, anymore

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